and other stuff



Mr. Lake's New Orleans Food Blog

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Forum Troubles

After the recent down-time dmgators suggested that we have a backup "emergency" board.  And so in case of any future board failure please go to (our prior incarnation).  It's read-only for the time being but I'll open it up if need be.  Thanks, dmgators, for the good idea.




Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Schatze's 1970 Fruitcakes
Fruit cakes.jpg
She says, "I was a mere child at the time. As I recall they were good and no they are not still sitting on my mother's kitchen counter nor holding open any doors. Not even conscripted as ballast for the Spanish Armada. I had no idea my folks still had the old green Formica table at that time. Anyway, it's obviously been a few but I am thinking every 38 years or so I should make fruitcake. I challenge all of you fruitcakes to bake them this year so we can compare."
And a warm welcome to our new forum member, littlefriend!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome Aboard!

Welcome to our new members, Frank and cannyscot41

And a special thanks to Mrs. Fury for becoming a forums sponsor. 


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In the event that the forums go down please use our backup "emergency" board at (Food, Nostalgia, and Soap Box forums).

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