Almost a century and a half ago Charles Gayarré wrote in his 1867 History of Louisiana, “On the bank
of Bayou, or river St. John, on the land known in our days as Allard's plantation, and on the very site where now stands the
large and airy house which we see [shown here], there was a small village of friendly Indians. From the bank opposite the
village, beginning where at a much later period was to be erected the bridge which spans the Bayou, a winding path made by
the Indians, and subsequently enlarged into Bayou Road by the European settlers, ran through a thick forest, and connected
the Indian village with the French settlement of New Orleans”. Pictured is Julius Robert Hoening's 1898 painting by
titled Plantation and Oak Tree (Allard Plantation). The house fronted Bayou St. John near Bayou Metairie. The 1910
photo on the following page offers a similar vantage point. (Ogden Museum of Southern Art)
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