This 1941 photograph captures
the dedication of the partially completed U.S. Naval Reserve Air Training Base. The base was funded by the WP A and the Navy.
In 1947 the base was renamed Camp Leroy Johnson in honor of the WW II Congressional Medal of Honor recipient who gave his
life to save his fellow soldiers.
Late 1940's Corps of Engineers
photograph of Pontchartrain Beach (top). It is now the location of the University of New Orleans Research and Technology Park.
Camp Leroy Johnson can be seen in the lower left corner. (Courtesy New Orleans Public Library.)
This 1948 aerial view shows
the U.S. Naval Air Station/Camp Leroy Johnson in 1948. Pontchartrain Beach is in the middle ground. Beyond it is the Consolidated
Vultee Aircraft Company at Franklin Avenue. (Courtesy New Orleans Public Library.)