The city offered for bid a plot of land bounded by Miro, Salcedo, Orleans, and Canal Street
for the construction and operation of a market for a thirty year period. John Trisconi and Gergus Kemati's bod
was accepted giving them the authority to operate and profit from the business which was named Rocheblave Market.
In 1891 their bid was repealed, the market went up for auction, and a contract was approved for Thomas J. Raymond to take
A quasi-public market run by Rocheblave Market Company, Limited
was located on North Rocheblave Street at the corner of Customhouse Street (now Iberville Street). In 1903
it was valued at $8,000.
Sam Stone, Jr. & Co. made
renovations to the building in 1938 and 1939.
The building still exists and as of 2005 it was used
by a car insurance business -- see below: