The St. Regis Restaurant and motel was also located at Shrewsbury and Airline when this advertisement ran in 1950.
The restaurant specialized in “Chicken in the Rough”; older folks may remember the sign atop the building which
featured a golf playing rooster with a broken club. The cocktail lounge was a favorite of local political figures. The St.
Regis was owned by Jimmie Beeson in 1956 but was destroyed by arsons in the late 1950s. The Texas Court Motel was and still
is at 3520. Graphia’s grocery (3529) was at the corner of Severn. Down Shrewsbury Road the Little Forest Tourist Court
advertised air-conditioning and “Everything Modern and Convenient” in 1941. On the river side Prout’s Motel
was tucked off the highway advertising “new and modern” facilities in a1965 listing that described 30 units, private
baths, reception and meeting facilities, two lounges, and a restaurant. Isaac Cyres, a chef at the New Orleans Hilton Hotel
was formerly the chef at Prout’s. (Courtesy of the Jefferson Parish Yearly