Metairie High School (1416) as it exited in this 1952 photograph.
In 1909 the one-room Metairie Ridge School opened here -- the first school in Metairie. By 1929 increasing enrollment led
to the construction of this building which was named Metairie High School but included grades one through twelve. When East
Jefferson High opened in 1955 the school was converted to Metairie Junior High under the leadership of Vernon C. Haynes. The
building was demolished in 1968 and the current structures were built. Through the years it has been named Metairie Middle
School (1969), Vernon C. Haynes Middle School (1974), Vernon C. and Gilda P. Haynes Middle School (1995), Middle School for
Advanced Studies (2004), and Haynes Academy for Advanced Studies (2006). Regardless of the name students could enjoy a cold
after-school root beer at the Frostop Drive-In across the street or some broasted chicken at the Holiday Drive-In Restaurant
(1425 Metairie Road). The shopping strip in the 1500 block included a National grocery store during the 1960s (later Zara’s,
now Canseco’s) and a Kopper Kitchen. (Courtesy of the Jefferson Parish Yearly Review.)